
STARTING OUR TRIP TO LITHUANIA - Comezando a nosa viaxe a Lituania

At last our trip began!! We set out on 3rd November , on a wet rainy night from Melide. We were on the bus till 5.30 in the morning and we are not showing any pictures of a sleepless night because… Well, you can imagine why. Then… 3 airports!! Madrid, Prague and Vilnius. In Madrid several of us had owerweight in their suitcases and that meant having to open them and taking some things out while the others were waiting. It was a really tiring morning! But from time to time we had some flashes of joy and the sun shone with us. In Prague we held the first Project meeting: talking about the activities we had to prepare, distributing tasks and telling off the lazy ones. Once in Vilnius we felt the overwhelming Lithuanian cold. We got on the bus to our destiny, Utena, and some of us didn´t even take off our caps. All the people were singing Galician songs, and Xisela played the tambourine (so nobody could sleep). Finally we arrived at Adolfas Sapoka Gymnasium. They were waitng for us with cakes and hot tea and gave us a very warm welcome. Before freezing, the hosting students took their guests to their homes. The great adventure has started.
Por fin empezou a nosa viaxe! Saímos de Melide o 3 de novembro, una húmida noite de choiva. Estivemos no autobús ata as 5.30 da mañá e non jimos amosar as fotos dunha noite sen durmir porque… Bueno, xa imaxinades o motivo. Despois… 3 aeroportos!! Madrid, Praga e Vilna. En Madrid varios levaban exceso de equipaxe e houbo que abrilas e sacar algunas cousas mentres outros esperaban. Foi unha mañá agotadora! Pero de vez en cando tivemos algún momento de ledicia e o sol brillou con nós. En Praga tivemos o primeiro almorzo de traballo: falar das actividades que había que preparar, distribución de tarefas e recordatorios para os preguiceiros. Unha vez en Vilna sentimos o abrumador frío lituano. Montamos no bus cara ó noso destino, Utena, e algún de nós nen sequera sacou o gorro. Todos empezaron a cantar cancions galegas e Xisela arrancouse coa pandeireta (asi que ninguen puido durmir mais - desculpas polos tiles, pero o teclado lituano non deixa ponhelos). Por último chegamos ao Instituto Adolfas Sapokas. Estaban esperándonos con doces e té quente, obsequiándonos cunha calurosa benvida. Antes de quedar conxelados, os alumnos anfitrións levaron aos seus convidados ás súas casas. A gran aventura acaba de empezar!

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