
BUSY TUESDAY - Un martes esgotador

The morning started with the normal lessons with the Lithuanian friends. But then we had a special visit: a group of students of Spanish from another Lithuanian school came with their teacher, Agne. She is an old friend of Jolanta's, the person who made this project possible. All together, we heard Lucía, Fran and Iria's presentation on Galicia and Spain. Good for you, Iria, for your professional attitude in front of a big group. Then, a song: "Jueves", by La Oreja de Van Gogh. We worked on it, and all the Galician group conducted the activity. And again Iria was a kind of helpful leader: "Any volunteer?" "You, yes, the one in blue!" "Come on, try, you can". She wouldn't be a bad teacher!
Then a game about the European languages, and a final reflection: we have common origins, and we are not so different. And back to presentations: Lithuanian first, and Galician then. Greta and her friends spoke about the history of Lithuanian, but they also told us some linguistic anecdotes, they taught us words, expressions, sayings, and everything combined with humour. Andrea, David and Judith told the rest about the origin of Galician, its obstacles to survive. They all learnt to say a riddle: in Lithuanian, Galician or Spanish.
And then, to the kitchen. Our Lithuanian friends invited us to cook something absolutely similar to Galician ORELLAS. But with honey on them. Tasty, very much.
And finally (we said it was a long day), music and drama. A theatre play performed by Lithuanian and Galician students: they sang, played the piano and the guitar, and there even was some poetry. WONDERFUL!
A mañá empezou coas clases normais cos amigos lituanos. Pero despois tivemos unha visita especial: un grupo de estudiantes de español de outro instituto lituano veu coa súa profesora, Agne. Ela é unha vella amiga de Jolanta, a persoa que fixo posible este proxecto. Todos xuntos escoitamos a presentación sobre España e Galica de Lucía, Fran e Iria, esta vez en español. Moi ben, Iria, pola túa actitude profesional ante un grupo tan numeroso. Despois unha canción: “JUEVES” de La Oreja de van Gogh. Traballamos sobe ela e os alumnos de Melide dirixiron a actividade. De novo Iria foi a conductora: “algún voluntario?”, “Sí, ti, a de azul”, “Vamos, inténtao, si que podes”. Non sería unha mala profesora.
Despois un xogo sobre as linguas europeas e unha reflexión final: temos orixes común e non somos tan diferentes. E de volta ás presentación: Primeiro o lituano e despois o galego. Greta e as súas amigas falaron sobre sobre a historia do lituano pero tamén nos contaron algunhas anécdotas lingüísticas, palabras, expresións, refráns… todo combinado con doses de humor. Andrea, David e Judith falaron das orixes do galego, dos seus obstáculos para sobrevivir. E todos aprenderon un trabalinguas: en lituano, galego ou español.
A continuación, á cociña. Ensináronnos a facer algo moi semellante ás ORELLAS, pero bañadas en mel. Deliciosas.
Por último (o día foi realmente longo) teatro. Unha obra que integraba pezas musicais, con piano, guitarra e voces fabulosas, e algo de poesía. Actores e cantantes eran tanto galegos coma lituanos. Xenial!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww, it's so nice that you even created a blog x) Our friends were (those from other city) there =] Seems they liked it as much as you. We all wanted to go! But our school bus is too small. It's nice to read, since our country is pretty small and not much interests about it.
Keep it, thank you! :3