Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania, was our destiny today. It is quiet, luminous, and with a lot of history behind. As it is on the way of everybody, Russians, Polish, Germans, Napoleon, crusaders, and many others made it their home (either if Lithuanians wanted or not). We visited the cathedral, and we also were in the catacombs under it: tunnels with graves, coffins and there used to be treasures in them, but now they are gone (=stolen).
While in the cathedral, the choir was rehearsing, and Iria started to feel the presence of a superior being within herself. Then a stroll around the city: incredible streets, with different styles. A short time to buy some things on a street market, and back again to the visit: the guide told us loads of stories about Vilnius, about the Jews, about deaths and lives…
While in the cathedral, the choir was rehearsing, and Iria started to feel the presence of a superior being within herself. Then a stroll around the city: incredible streets, with different styles. A short time to buy some things on a street market, and back again to the visit: the guide told us loads of stories about Vilnius, about the Jews, about deaths and lives…
Vilnius, a capital de Lituania, foi o noso destino de hoxe. É tranquila, luminosa, e cunha longa historia detrás. Dado que está nomedio de todo, pasaron por alí rusos, polacos, alemán, o mesmo Napoleón, os cruzados, e moitos outros, e convertérona na súa casa (sen que os lituanos o desexasen). Visitamos a catedral, e ata estivemos nas catacumbas debaixo dela: túneles con tumbas, cadaleitos e o recordó de tesouros que unha vez estiveron e agora xa non (porque os roubaron). Na catedral, o coro empezou a ensaiar, e Iria notou, de súpeto, a presenza dun ser superior no seu interior. Despois un paseo pola cidade, con guía.: rúas incribles, con diferentes estilos. Un ratiño para comprar cousas nun mercado, e de volta á visita. A guía contounos centos de historias sobre Vilnius, sobre os xudeos, sobre mortes e vidas…
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