we are at high school and it's snowing!!today we went to a museum and later we came here to have lunch. food was good!
after that, we went to the town hall and had an interview with the mayor of Utena. he didn't know any English so Irena had to translate what he was saying for us to understand. the local press was there too, so there may be an article about it in the local newspaper. when the meeting was finiched, the mayor gave us pens.
then we went back to school to visit it: the library, the gallery, dancing classes, music... and now we are tired of traveling that much so we are going home. bye!
estamos no instituto e neva! hoxe fumos a un museo e despois volvimos aqui para comer. a comida estaba moi ben!
despois, fumos ao concello e tivemos unha entrevista co alcalde de Utena. non falaba ingles asi que Irena tivo que traducir o que estaba dicindo para que puidesemos entendelo. tamen estaba ali a prensa local, polo que ao mellor sae un artigo no periodico local. cando rematou a reunion, o alcalde deunos uns bolis.
volvimos ao instituto para visitalo: a libreria, a galeria, clases de baile, de musica... e agora estamos cansados de andar tanto asi que imos marchar a casa. adeus!
Judith, Andrea, David
1 comment:
I am Aurimas and I am on this project. I really like it! I hope we will have more good time :)
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