Because we are very interested in meeting new people, new cultures, new places, new.........
And because we also like travelling and opening our minds. On the picture you can see above we are a small group (although there are more of us, usually). Our names are (from left to write):
Patri, Cris, Fanny, Eva, Ana and Mr Fran.
We hope this will be the beginning of a good friendship, and that we will meet personally some day. We want a picture of you all.
Hello, our Galician friends. My name is Justinas. I'm from Lithuania. I'm 9th former of A.Šapoka gymnazium. I'm not very good in English, but I hope you'll understand the gist of my comment. I have to say I was really delighted about your job that you made in April. We will put our blog soon. For this time enough :)
Best wishes,
Hi Galicians! :>>
We're impressed about what you did! It's nice to see you in this picture, but we hope that you'll put some more photos and we'll be able to see you all. :>
We want to put some photos too but we've got some problems with it.
We expect to become very good friends in the nearest future. :>>
Dovilė, Greta, Rokas, Gaile and Inga.
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